Thursday, April 1, 2010

Strawberries N Cream

Palm size portion Fat Free plain greek yogurt.

Hand full of fresh strawberries chopped

6 almonds chopped

drizzle of honey (from 100 calories) or 2 drops liquid stevia

Iceberg lettuce leaves (Bib lettuce would be better if you can find it and afford it!)

Mix honey or stevia with yogurt.

Mash 1/3 of the strawberries and mix with yogurt

Add in chopped strawberries and almonds

divide into 4 equal servings and place on 4 lettuce leaves

protein: greek yogurt

carbs: strawberries

fat: almonds

veggies: lettuce

This recipe makes one pretty satisfying serving.

Everyone else was eating strawberry shortcake (Em and Luke have day off)

I took meal off to eat lunch with them, and this was my third meal while they ate cake!

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