Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pizzaa with a Brown Rice Crust!

Crust Ingredients

1 Cup of Low fat or fat free mozzarella cheese
1 whole egg beaten
1 Cup of uncooked rice
Optional: hot sauce to taste

Mix the egg, cheese and sauce in a medium bowl. Prepare the rice accordin g to package. Once rice is cooked drain any remainin water and add to bowl with egg, cheese mixture. Mix up and place in a pan or spread on a pizza pan. till about 1/4 inch thin and even. Place in oven till set (usually about 5-10 min.- It really varies, once it took 20 min. once it was only 5 last time 10, just keep an eye on it and touch it lightly when it is no longer mushy but just kinda set its done.) Take out of oven and let cool slightly.

Top with V-8 Juice tomoato sauce:

1 small can of v-8 Juice
2 teaspoons corn starch
1 Tablespoon itlaian seasoning
1 Tablespoon dried basil

In a small sauce pan pour in the V-8 Juice and add the corn starch (Do not turn the burner on yet!) Stir the starch till dissolved. Turn on burner to low continue to stir sauce and starch mixture adding spices. (Italian and dried basil) Stir stir stir, till sauce starts to thicken, keep stirring till to desired thickness.

Add sauce to crust

Top with 1/2 cup fat free Mozzerela cheese and LOTS OF VEGGIES!!!!

We chopped tons of celery, bell peppers, carrots, scallions and sliced an onion and put the slices on very top.

Place in oven and watch till the cheese is melted and onions are nice and toasty.

Right when it comes out the crust seems a little floppy but when it cools a little the crust is a little more firm and you can pick it up with your fingers and enjoy!!!

YUM YUM YUM! I think this will alwasy be the way we make pizza at home.

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