Sunday, March 21, 2010

More on Carmelized Onions

I have the second batch of onions in the crock pot. I used agave instead of honey this time.  The recipe I posted stated about a tablespoon of each, but this time I measured before I drizzled, and it isn't quite that much or either.  I used sea salt and freshly ground pepper.  I think it gave it a better flavor. 

I filled the crockpot all the way up with onions. I didn't even cut them because they are smallish, (about egg size when peeled)

I noticed in the sale paper that onions are on sale everywhere. This time of year they are very cheap.  I think it is because it is time to plant onions and all the winter storage warehouses are trying to get rid of any left before the new crop comes in. In the past, when onions were on sale, I just bought what I would use fresh, it never occurred to me to cook them this way, but it will be great to have a lot of this stuff in the freezer.

I put some of the onions in a freezer bag before I made the soup.  I haven't tried using the caramelized onions alone, yet.

I ate a bowl of the soup from my last epistle, and it was so very yummy! I seasoned it with coriander and a dash (or four!) of tabasco sauce.  I put the cheese in the bottom of the bowl, then spooned the hot soup on top. Oh my!!!  I wonder how many calories it is?  It can't be much, but it taste RICH!!

I had to thin the soup more than the recipe stated.  I just used water.  Chicken or beef broth would be better, maybe.  I don't know how that would affect the game-on friendliness.

The pureed caramelized onions could be used for a number of things.

Stir into FF sour cream and make your own onion dip!

Serve on buns or bread during game on so that you don't have to use mayonnaise or mustard to make your bread moist.

It is thick, I think it may be able to be used as a base for making a roast or a soup. If it is in the freezer and you are out of broth, I think it could be used instead for flavor, and it is all vegetable!!

I'm thinking stir some into cheese muffins (day off only!)

Spoon it on top of fish, squeeze lemon on top, cover with foil and bake the fish.  Doesn't that sound good?

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